1776 Preservation Foundation Meeting Notes May 18, 2024

Dave Jones, Foundation Treasurer, had submitted the Foundation Financial Report electronically in advance of the Board meeting.
Dave Jones presented a cost estimate from Moulder Metal for repair of raised panels in 23 of the 25 pew sections of the Church. The Board directed that Dave Jones authorize the contractor to proceed with the project. The Board also authorized Dave Jones to obtain a bid from Moulder Metal to fabricate and install historically appropriate raised panel wooden window shutters on two windows for the music enclosures of the Church. This project is to protect the musical and sound equipment from sun damage. These shutters will be folded into the recessed window enclosures during the use of the musical instruments.
Several Board members offered to help obtain bids for painting services on the interior of the Church. Dave Jones will coordinate this matter for future Board determination.
Bob Lee will take the Board lead on identifying a contractor for minor repair and painting of the large exterior Church doors.
The Foundation did not renew the Directors & Officers insurance contract based on a limited liability assessment. Stacy-Williams Duncan will see if the Foundation can be listed as an additional insured entity on the Little Fork Episcopal Church comprehensive insurance policy. It has been an operating policy for the Foundation to make contributions to the Church to cover significant costs for Church building and grounds repairs, maintenance, and improvements such that financial transactions are recorded in the Church accounts.
The Church is updating its presence on the Internet and the Foundation can be included as a microsite linked to the larger mission driven Little Fork Episcopal Church site. There will be setup and ongoing site maintenance expenses with this Web presence and the consensus of the Board was to pursue this partnership arrangement for outreach purposes and to help identify opportunities for future collaborations and project/program support.
The Board was informed regarding ongoing Little Fork Episcopal Church Landscape Master Plan (2022) implementation planning. The PATH Foundation and Culpeper County are helping in pursuit of a community public access 2024 Virginia Recreational Trails Program Grant Application for a perimeter walking trail on the Church property that was part of the 1979 Seiter property acquisition (15 acres). A Battlefield Interpretation Grant Application is also anticipated to provide pertinent contextual public education regarding the role of the Historic Church in both the American Revolution and the Civil War.
The Foundation will also partner with the Church on a recognition ceremony for a few families that have been instrumental in the Church restoration and the ongoing activities of the Foundation. This will likely be a June 2024 activity.
The next regular quarterly Foundation Board meeting is scheduled for 17 August at 9am, but there may be a need for a special called Board meeting if matters arise that require formal Board consideration and discernment.