Advent Wreath Prayers

As we celebrate the season of Advent, we would like to share these Advent wreath lighting prayers and encourage you to use them at home.


Today we light the first candle of the Advent wreath. Each candle has a meaning. This first candle is HOPE.

As we begin the Advent journey, restore us to faithfulness, and shepherd us through these weeks. Soften us and open us to trust in your love, your goodness, your guiding presence. May we take in your word and bring it to life, giving hope to the hopeless through our words and actions. We ask this through Christ, our Savior and our hope. Amen.


Today we light the first and second candles of the Advent wreath. Each candle has a meaning. The first candle is HOPE, the second candle is PEACE.

Form us into your Peace-makers. Enable us to look within ourselves, to make straight our crooked hearts, to patiently and lovingly await changes in ourselves and others. As you gather us tenderly, and hold us close, may we also show that same compassion to the world. Fill our hearts with your peace, and our lives with your love, that these may flow from our lives and into our world. We ask this through Christ, our Savior and our peace, Amen.


Today we light the first, second, and third candles of the Advent Wreath. Each candle has a meaning. The first candle is HOPE, the second candle is PEACE, and the third candle is JOY.

In gratitude we remember you as creator of all, yest still mindful of each of your children. Grant us the patience to live in joyful hope, to trust in your abiding presence. Open our eyes to see your healing at work in our lives that we might touch the world with tender, compassionate care. Give us the wisdom, courage and strength to bring the joy of your love to transform the earth and to light the way to a more just and peaceful world. We ask this through Christ, our savior and our joy. Amen.


Today we light the first, second, third, and fourth candles of the Advent wreath. Each candle has a meaning. The first candle is HOPE, the second candle is PEACE, the third candle is JOY, and the fourth candle is LOVE.

On this the last Sunday of Advent, as the new day dawns, may we remember how your birth lit the darkness of night with the hope of freedom. the joy of a promise fulfilled. Be with us. Shine your light in our hearts so that we might know your wisdom, see your faithfulness, and believe in your creative, seemingly impossible ways. We ask this through Christ, our Savior and our love. Amen