Feed My Sheep Sign-up Opportunity

We would like to open up volunteer time with Feed My Sheep to anyone who might be interested.

There’s a sign up sheet in the Parish Hall with upcoming dates. Your commitment, if you sign-up, is to pick up the food at the church on the Sunday before you serve, be at Bealeton Baptist church at 9 a.m. on your day of service, and Pam Pulver will guide you in helping pack the non-perishable foods for 24 families, and then restock the FMS pantry shelves with the Little Fork donations. Pam has this down to a science and it usually only takes an hour. Rev. Stacy says ministry like this transforms the worker and the recipients. You will be glad you helped out.

If you have any questions please reach out to Faith Dickerson or Molly Lewis at [email protected] or [email protected].