Feed My Sheep Sign Ups for 2024

Little Fork continues to support the Feed My Sheep Ministries housed at Bealeton Baptist Church. FMS packs food for folks who don’t have transportation to local food banks in Culpeper, and southern Fauquier counties. The number of families being served has risen during the last year so it’s now over 60 families being served in a 3 week rotation for receiving food. Little Fork members and friends are encouraged to ‘adopt’ a food, meaning you will provide a case (set of 12) of your adopted item each month for the first 6 months of this year. Since this coming Sunday is Epiphany, it’s a good time to share our light with others by signing up to bring in a food item. You may do so after church this Sunday with Faith Dickerson or if you are not attending church in-person but would like to help please email Faith Dickerson at [email protected] to make that connection.
Respectfully submitted,