Financial Health August 2021

One of the commitments of your Rector and Vestry is to regularly share with the congregation the financial health of the church. Below you will find a summary of our donations and expenses, and some highlights from the Treasurerā€™s report presented at the August 22 Vestry meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Little Forkā€™s Treasurer, Karen McCauley, at [email protected].

Items of interest

  • The transition to Renae performing the day-to-day bookkeeping responsibilities and Karen making decisions and other Treasurerā€™s responsibilities began on July 1. Since then, we have migrated QuickBooks Desktop to Online, linked the bank accounts to automatically update QuickBooks and created and linked the new Gusto Payroll system. These actions have allowed for a seamless automation between systems that has reduced the required amount of time for bookkeeping. The Vestry commended Renae for a job well done, what was slotted to take two months was completed in 5 weeks.
  • As of August, we have received $3450 toward the organ repair project, allowing us to proceed with the repair. The amplifier, which is part of the organ repair, has been been purchased and the cost was $1624.90 which was a great surprise, as we expected to pay $2,772. Otto Pebworth is scheduled to make the repairs on August 31. The vestry approved the organ repair expense up to $3600.

  • The upstairs HVAC unit that requires replacing will run approximately $12,268. We have received contributions to this cause in the amount of $1,000. Replacement will not be scheduled until donations are much closer to the expense of replacement. This expense will need to be budgeted in 2022 for sure, if we donā€™t come up with the funding this year.