Little Fork Church Notes From History December 2, 2024

1737 Church Deed By Don Stockton

While cleaning up the images of the newly scanned first Vestry Book for St. Mark’s Parish I came across an interesting entry that deserves more research.

On image 41, page 32 in Saint Mark’s Parish Vestry Book & Levies 1730-1785 Original it reads At a vestry held for Saint Mark Parish at the Church in the Fork for laying the Parish Levy on Monday October the 10th 1737, order that Zack Lewis Gent. be paid one hundred pounds of Tobacco for drawing Deeds for the Church Land and one hundred fifty pounds of Tobacco for his fee against Ann Williams. In the transcribed version this meeting is recorded on image 28

We can hope that one day the deed might turn up. In 1737 they would have been filed in Spotsylvania Court House.