Little Fork Concerts – Looking Forward

Following up on my previous reflection on the success of our Summer Concert Series, this eNews segment is meant to give parishioners an idea of the resources required to pull off a series like this. This year we spent around $5,000 putting together these concerts, with nearly all of this cost covered by concert-specific donations. About a quarter of this was one-time expenses concert signs, including both road signs and directional signs for on campus. The rest of the budget went towards putting on the individual concerts, in the form of advertising, food costs, and musician costs. While the cost of hiring musicians depended heavily on the type of concert and number of musicians hired, this was far and away our biggest expense (about half of the total budget).
Looking forward to next year – we anticipate similar expenditures on a per concert basis, but we’re hoping to double the concerts on our schedule. In addition to the two summer concerts and Pentecost concert we funded this year, we are also looking to fund an Organ Dedication concert, an All Saint’s Day concert, and a potential third summer concert. Finally, we are also considering purchasing a large tent to keep our performers in the shade during outdoor performances. Our goals for next year are big, but we’re confident with your support, we’ll be able to put together a series that will set the tone for our Master Plan and reach deep into our growing community!
Ben Grove
Music Director