Master Plan – Archeologists Visit To Evaluate Mound In Field

This coming Monday and Tuesday, March 20th and 21st the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) Archaeologist and Easement Stewardship Coordinator Brad McDonald along with Archaeologist and Cemetery Preservationist Joanna Wilson Green and David Givens from Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation (JRF) will be donating their time and expertise to help us understand what a suspicious looking mound just east of our burying grounds might be. At this time it is considered a slight possibility that this is a Pre-Contact Mound Site.

On November 2, 2022, letters were sent to the three tribes thought to have potential interest: Monacan, Rappahannock and Patawomeck. G. Anne Richardson Chief of the Rappahannock Tribe wrote back on November 7th requesting consulting party status from DHR, so DHR is keeping them informed of everything that happens and they will be consulted with as the church makes any decisions moving forward.

While the Archeologists will be on site on Monday and Tuesday they will be very busy working. There will be a potluck dinner Monday at 5pm, which will be our chance to hear about this work and ask questions.

It is important as we proceed with this that we currently have no evidence that this is a Burial Mound, and even if this is not determined not to be an archeological site it will give us more information about the history of Little Fork.