One Together – Outreach

The members of Little Fork Church feel deeply about our involvement with the community and those in need. As Episcopalians we say the Prayers of the People each Sunday. Praying for those we know personally, and those in the world we may never meet but who desperately need God’s grace.

For a while Little Fork had many Outreach ministries. Supporting the Culpeper Food Closet, Little Roses, the Culpeper Heat Shelter, Culpeper Young Life, just to name a few. During the Pandemic, Little Fork’s members and vestry went through a Visioning process, where it became apparent that as a small church, we could not support numerous ministries and really make a difference. To do God’s work, to do meaningful work, we needed to pick something and then do it well. That as a congregation, we should invest the time needed to discern where our passion for outreach and service is. That we should also determine one outreach activity in which to dedicate our energies, making at least a three-year commitment to that work. That discernment is just beginning to take place. I beg for your patience and prayers as we go forth on that journey.

And yet, each of us make a commitment each Sunday. We come to worship, either in person or online to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And at the end of the service, we make that commitment:

Let us go forth in the name of Christ, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thanks be to God. Alleluia, Alleluia!

Each one of us is then sent out into the world to do good, to make a difference in someone’s life. To go forth and do God’s work. That is why it is so important for you to submit your written pledge. So, we can continue to hold our Worship service both in person and online. So, we can reach those who would never have heard of Little Fork Church otherwise. Those who might not get to know Jesus except by finding this little church.

Thank you all! And Thanks be to God. Alleluia, Alleluia!