One Together – Worship Music

Last week I mentioned that we will explore each of the core values that makes Little Fork Church important to us and the community.We determined that Worship is the core of who we are and what we do at Little Fork. That we should focus our energy and efforts on making our worship consistent, engaging, participatory, authentically Episcopal and welcoming, even when we can not gather inside the church.
One of the most important aspects of worship is music. And, Little Fork is blessed with a physical space where are acoustics are perfect for music! Rev. Stacy and the Vestry discerned that the salary for an organist would be twice that of a pianist. So, we searched for a suitable piano and someone to play it. We were very blessed to have a Steinway Grand piano donated to us and find a superb pianist in Ben Grove.
When we hired Ben last year, his salary fell outside our budget based on pledges. The Vestry felt that music was so important to worship that they elected to use a cash gift given to Little Fork for the first three years for Ben’s salary. The plan was that through growth, we would receive enough pledges by year three to include his salary in our budget. With your help we can make that a reality! Through Ben’s playing and leading the hymns we have expanded our church community. I think you all will agree that music is essential to our worship. Please help us to keep the music playing and glorifying God in our worship service!