Plan For Covenantal Giving – Little Fork’s Relationship With The Wider Diocese

Question: Tell us about your church’s relationship with the wider diocese. How has your church been actively involved within our diocese in recent years (e.g., hosting diocesan events, represented on diocesan commissions and committees or other leadership of the diocese, receiving direct support from diocesan staff)?
Little Fork Church Response:
- LF is actively represented within the Culpeper Area Region of Episcopal Churches, attending monthly meetings as scheduled and participating in discussions and decision making. LF representatives helped to shape the region committee by writing many of the procedures and outlining internal by-laws, for the newly formed group to become a working organization. Currently, our Senior Warden is the active delegate, serving for the past four years, to include being elected as both Secretary and Vice President.
- Our Rector has balanced her desire to be involved at the Diocesan level with the limited amount of time she has by focusing on participating in one particular area at a time. Since completing Fresh Start, Stacy has invested the time she has for Diocesan ministry by working with the Culpeper Region. Until recently there were only 3 ordained people attending Regional meetings, so we thought it was helpful to have her there. Even though there are other clergy now, we still think the Regional structure is a positive way for us to develop relationships that will lead to collaborations that will benefit Little Fork, so Stacy plans to stay involved.
- Stacy is a founding member of the Small Churches, Big Impact Collective and through this Little Fork has been involved in creative conversations internally about how we understand and experience vitality as a small congregation with a part-time Rector.