Plan For Covenantal Giving – Little Fork’s Response To The Diocesan Plan For Covenantal Giving

Background for the Congregation
At the Diocesan Convention, in November 2021, a resolution passed which asks church congregations to commit to an annual pledge to the Diocese, in the amount of 10% of their pledged and undesignated giving. The percentage would be based on a 3-year giving average. During our Vestry meeting the very next day, the resolution was carefully studied and discussion ensued as to how to meet this request, knowing that funding at the Diocesan level is important and has a direct impact on the work of our small congregation.
Simultaneously, newly formed church committees were working to get many elements of our daily operations effectively organized and procedures streamlined, as leadership roles were already in a natural state of transition. One important committee, the Finance Committee, recommended that we create a long-term facilities maintenance savings plan, in order to be better prepared for building and grounds maintenance issues as they arise. Currently, both the Preservation Foundation and in-kind donation requests to the congregation, cover these emergencies.
With the approval of this resolution, the Vestry, along with the Finance Committee, studied budget numbers and devised a feasible solution. Writing a motion of our own, the Vestry approved to faithfully commit to contributing to both funds, increasing the amount of money earmarked for each, by one percent per year, using pledge and plate income. We would implement this increase until we reach 10%, for each the Little Fork Maintenance Facilities Fund and our pledge to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia.
The Vestry and Rector understand that for the Diocese, this is slower than the proposed timeline of increase as stated in the resolution, with 10% donated by 2025, but feel that this plan is more appropriate for our small, rural church community.
With this commitment, we would reach a 10% level in 2027.
2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 |
3.0% | 4.0% | 5.0% | 6.0% | 7.0% | 8.0% | 9.0% | 10.0% |
We hope the Diocese sees that for a small congregation with a 15 hour per week Rector, this is a significant contribution and a testimony to our commitment to being a contributing member of the Diocesan community. We would ask that we not have to come back to this meeting as long as we are making progress on the schedule outlined above.