Prayers of the People April 16, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is Fill our hearts with Easter joy
Risen Lord Fill our hearts with Easter joy.
Lord Jesus Christ, you appeared to your disciples and brought them peace. May your Church rejoice in your presence and life-giving Spirit and may our bishops, priests, and deacons feel supported. We lift to you our Bishop Mark, Assistant Bishop Gayle, Visiting Bishops Dabney and Ted, our Rector, Stacy and our supply priests, Jenks and Amanda. And for us in the pews, bring us through our doubts to proclaim you as Lord and God.
Risen Lord Fill our hearts with Easter joy.
Lord Jesus Christ, your resurrection broke the hold of death. Set free all with responsibility for government from fears that would impoverish the spirit . We remember all elected officials including our President, Joe, and Governor, Glenn. Bring all nations to rejoice in your freedom. We remember those in nations filled with strife, Ukraine, Yemen, Turkey and Syria.
Risen Lord Fill our hearts with Easter joy.
Lord Jesus Christ, you sent your disciples as apostles of forgiveness and penitence. Turn our hearts from the evil we do and the good we do not do. Set us free from the weight of sin that clings so persistently.
Risen Lord Fill our hearts with Easter joy.
Lord Jesus Christ, you desire our good above all other and speak tenderly to the afflicted. Hold close to you those whose needs we bring before you (Please read the first names from prayer list)
The congregation may add names of those needing healing
Risen Lord Fill our hearts with Easter joy.
Bring us through times of trial to praise and glorify your name. Lord Jesus Christ, you were handed over and crucified for our salvation. Bring to your inheritance all who died trusting in this hope (Please read the first names of any who have died or are grieving)
The congregation may add names of those who have died or are grieving
Risen Lord Fill our hearts with Easter joy.