Prayers of the People April 23, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is And set our hearts on fire.
How shall we repay the Lord for all the good God has done? Let us offers the prayers of our hearts, saying, “Stay with us, Lord Jesus; And set our hearts on fire.”
Lord Jesus Christ, you have ransomed us by your own precious blood. Once again, as a holy community, we place our faith and hope in you. We thank you for the Little Fork Church community as well as those who minister to our sisters and brothers, including our Bishop, Mark, Assistant Bishop, Gayle, Visiting Bishops Dabney and Ted, our Rector, Stacy and our supply priests, Amanda, and Jenks.
Stay with us, Lord Jesus; And set our hearts on fire.
Save us, O Lord, from corruption. Deliver the nations and all peoples from greed and hatred. Be with all who serve in positions of authority, including our President, Joe, our Governor, Glenn , and our elected local officials. Place in your children hearts of repentance.
Stay with us, Lord Jesus; And set our hearts on fire.
O Lord, you are the giver of good things. We thank you for this planet; we thank you for its gifts. We pray a blessing on the seeds that are sown this spring that the harvest might be bountiful.
At this time the congregation may add their own thanksgivings
Stay with us, Lord Jesus; And set our hearts on fire.
O Lord, you are made known in the breaking of bread and so we pray for all those who lack bread. We pray for the hungry. You feed us generously at your table. Help us to generously feed the world. Be with us as we share the generous bounty you have given us with those receiving food through the Feed My Sheep Ministry.
Stay with us, Lord Jesus; And set our hearts on fire.
Whenever we call upon you, gracious Lord, you incline your ear to us. We raise our voices for those for whom we care: those who are ill, those who are struggling, those who are in need of your mercy. (Please read the first names from the prayer list)
You are invited to add the names of those in need of healing or comfort.
Stay with us, Lord Jesus; And set our hearts on fire.
Precious in your sight, O Lord, is the death of your servants. We trust you with our dead and with our dying. Jesus, be gracious with them, we pray. Through the gift of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection we know that those who die to you in this life also rise to you in death. (Please read any names on the prayer list who have died or are grieving)
You are invited to add the names of any who have died or are grieving
Stay with us, Lord Jesus; And set our hearts on fire.