Prayers of the People April 30, 2023
These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is And guide us along right pathways.
Jesus bore our sins on the cross so that we, free from sins, might live in righteousness. Let us pray to our Lord, saying, “Revive our souls, And guide us along right pathways.”
Guardian of our souls, you have blessed us with a beautiful planet full of places where we can find rest and peace. May we care for it, as you care deeply for all you have made. Continue to guide us as we seek support to bring our Master Plan for conservation and spiritual renewal to fruition.
The congregation may add their own thanksgivings
Revive our souls And guide us along right pathways.
Guardian of our souls, call your Church to greater righteousness. Guide all those who minister in our churches including our Bishop, Mark, Assistant Bishop, Gayle, Visiting Bishops Dabney and Ted, our Rector, Stacy and our supply priests, Amanda and Jenks. Help us to live by your example and follow in your steps.
Revive our souls And guide us along right pathways.
Guardian of our souls, you desire the goodwill of all the people. Give us generous hearts and open hands. May we support this church community and our mission with Feed My Sheep from the bounty you have given us.
Revive our souls And guide us along right pathways.
Guardian of our souls, spread out your table in the presence of those who are troubled. Feed their souls and bodies with your good and generous gifts. Be with all those who suffer with mental illness, including addictions, depression and anxiety. May they feel your strength and comfort.
Revive our souls And guide us along right pathways.
Guardian of our souls, it is your presence that comforts us. Make your presence known to the sick and the sorrowful, to the fearful and the weak. (Please read the first names of any on the prayer list)
You are invited to add the names of those in need of healing or comfort.
Revive our souls And guide us along right pathways.
Guardian of our souls, you came that we may have life, and have it abundantly. Bring the dying and the dead into your eternal home. (Please read the first names of any who have died or are grieving from the prayer list)
You are invited to add the names of any who have died or are grieving.
Revive our souls And guide us along right pathways.