Prayers of the People April 9, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Blessed be the risen Lord; he has broken free from the tomb and opened for us the gate to life eternal. Blessed be the risen Lord; he comes to his disciples; where two or three gather together he is there. Blessed be the risen Lord: he comes from the dead with life, he brings us light and joy and hope. Blessed be the risen Lord, Alleluia. Amen.

Let us respond to each prayer with ā€œopen to us the gate of glory.ā€

Holy and everlasting God, we give you thanks for the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead: in him light triumphs over darkness, life triumphs over death; in him is our hope and the promise of life eternal. We pray for all who preach the gospel, for all who seek to lead others to the risen Lord, for all who teach of his forgiveness, for all who have their hope set on eternal life; that we all may rejoice in the power of the risen Lord.
Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.

We look for the coming of peace on earth. Lord, let us hear that voice which says, ‘Peace be with you.ā€™ Let your peace begin in our hearts and in our homes. Let your peace grow in our communities. Let your peace reach out into the whole world.
Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.

As the risen Lord appeared in the Upper Room, may he be known to be in our homes and among us. Lord, destroy all that would lock us in or deny us freedom; enter our lives that we may live for you. We pray for our loved ones.
Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.

We think of all those who weep today, those newly separated from loved ones, all who are caught up in sorrow and are heavy-hearted, all who are distressed and overwrought, and those in need of healing or comfort.
Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.

Almighty God, ruler of all, in whose kingdom peace and righteousness abound; we pray for those who are in conflict especially Ukraine. Take away prejudice, cruelty, and revenge. Grant that barriers which divide may crumble, suspicions disappear and hatreds cease, through Jesus Christ our mediator.
Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.

We pray especially for those on our Little Fork Prayer List (please read the first names of those on our prayer list) and those whom you wish to name at this time

You are invited to share your prayers for those who need comfort or healing

Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.

We remember all who mourn the loss of a loved one. Lord, wipe away all tears from their eyes, that they may see you and know life is eternal. Especially those on our Little Fork Prayer List (please read the first names of those on our prayer list) and others we now name.

You are invited to share your prayers for those who are grieving

Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.

We give you thanks and praise for the gift of eternal life. We rejoice with your saints in glory, and we pray for all our loved ones departed this life, that, free from sorrow and pain, they may be one with you in your kingdom. We pray especially for those of our congregation who have died (Please read the first names of those on our prayer list) and those whom you wish to name at this time.

You are invited to share your prayers for those who have died

Jesus, Risen Lord, open to us the gate of glory.