Prayers of the People August 13 , 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Sisters and brothers, the word of faith that we proclaim is near you, on your lips and in your heart! So let us pray to God, saying, “Be generous to all who call on you; Lord, save us.”
Lord God, capture our hearts. May your Holy Spirit prepare a way upon which the beautiful feet of your servants can bring good news to all those who are wearied by too much bad news. We ask for strength of spirit for our church leaders, our Bishop, Mark, assistant Bishop, Gayle, visiting Bishop, Ted, Rector, Stacy, and supply priests, Jenks and Amanda.
Be generous to all who call on you. Lord, save us.
Lord of all, your love makes no distinction between peoples or nations. We pray that wars and violence cease. May your reign of peace and justice come quickly. We pray for strength of character for all those in elected positions, including Joe, our President, and Glenn, our Governor.
Be generous to all who call on you. Lord, save us.
Holy God, your Son walked on the water even as your Spirit moved over the face of the waters in creation. May we learn to respect the beauty and mystery, the power and goodness, of all you have made. May we each find moments of joy in the beauty of the natural world this week.
Be generous to all who call on you. Lord, save us.
Strong God, give us wisdom like your servant Joseph that this congregation may be a symbol of hope and integrity to the leaders of our community. Help us find partners and resources to enable the work of our Master Plan, so it may provide an area for the enjoyment of nature and quieting of the spirit.
Be generous to all who call on you. Lord, save us.
Lord Christ, you bid your people be not afraid. You have promised that all who call on your name shall be saved. And so make your deeds known among the people—especially those in trouble, sickness, and pain. (Please share the first names of those on the prayer list.)
You are invited to add the names of those in need of healing and comfort.
Be generous to all who call on you. Lord, save us.
God of our ancestors, by your strength you rescue life even from the depths of the pit. You raised your Son from the grips of death and through him have promised to give new life to all who have died. May the dead rest in peace, even as they await the day of resurrection. (Please read the first names of any on the prayer list.)
You are invited to add the names of those who have died or are grieving.
Be generous to all who call on you. Lord, save us.