Prayers of the People August 27, 2022
These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
I appeal to you, brothers, and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Therefore, let us come humbly before God, saying, “Our help is in your name, O Lord; deal well with us.”
Generous God, you have graciously given the members of your Church diverse gifts: may we, who are many, function in this world as the one body of your Son Jesus Christ. As we discern our gifts and how best to use them in Your service, may we lift to you our leaders, Mark, our Bishop, Gayle, our Assistant Bishop, Ted, our visiting Bishop, Stacy, our Rector, and Amanda and Jenks, our supply priests.
Our help is in your name, O Lord; Deal well with us.
God of the nations, mysterious and unexpected are the instruments of your salvation. Give us eyes to see your work in the lives of the most humble among us. Bless all those who put their trust in you. Be with all parents as they seek to model and teach Your ways to their children.
Our help is in your name, O Lord; Deal well with us.
Great God, the maker of heaven and earth, bring forth fruits in due season. May all the people of the world experience the blessing of sun and rain and harvest. We thank you for local farmers who provide us with fresh produce and proteins. May they seek and use practices that sustain our lands.
Our help is in your name, O Lord; Deal well with us.
Caring God, give to the people of our region sober judgment. May each member of our community live in light of the great mercy you have shown us. We ask that you be with all in positions of power that they remember the importance of servant leadership. We are thankful for all the man blessings bestowed on us, our families and our communities. (Please read any blessings and thanksgivings from the prayer list.)
You are invited to add your blessings and thanksgivings.
Our help is in your name, O Lord; Deal well with us.
Lord God, be on the side of those in need of our prayers. May the sick and sorrowful not be overwhelmed but, instead, find freedom in you, especially (Please read the first names of those on prayer the list).
You are invited to add the names of those in need of healing and comfort.
Our help is in your name, O Lord Deal well with us.
Almighty God, you have promised through your beloved Son that not even the gates of Hades will prevail against the people of your redeeming. May all of the dead find comfort in your heavenly kingdom, especially (Please read the names of any who have died or are grieving).
You are invited to add the names of those who have died or are grieving.
Our help is in your name, O Lord; Deal well with us.