Prayers of the People August 7, 2022

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join me for the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is incline your ear to us.
Sisters and brothers, children of God, let us come before the Most High with humility, saying, “Great and holy God, Incline your ear to us.”
Set our minds on things divine, O God, that your Church may guard itself against the love of earthly things and instead be rich towards you.
Great and holy God, Incline your ear to us.
May all who dwell in the world, incline their hearts to wisdom and meditate on understanding. Give grace and strength to our church leaders including our Bishops Susan and Jennifer, Bishop Elect Mark, our Rector Stacy and our supply priests, Amanda and Jenks.
Great and holy God, Incline your ear to us.
Give us grace to be wise and generous stewards, O God. Open our eyes to see your abundance and our reliance. Guide us as we grow our outreach to the Feed My Sheep Ministries and are mindful of our neighbors in need.
Great and holy God, Incline your ear to us.
Bless all those to whom we are connected. May we value our relationships more than our possessions. May we realize that in Christ all human distinctions cease to matter. We pray for justice and peace. We lift in our prayers our President, Joe, Governor, Glenn and all elected officials at the national, state and local levels.
Great and holy God, Incline your ear to us.
Comfort and heal all those who are in pain or sorrow or any kind of trouble especially, (read the first names of those on our prayer list).
The congregation may add the names of others who need comfort or healing
May we, who have known sorrow, pain and trouble, show them mercy and compassion and remind them of the hope we have in Christ.
Great and holy God, Incline your ear to us.
We acknowledge our mortality before you, Everlasting God, and we rejoice in the hope of being raised with your Christ. We remember before you the lives of our loved ones who have died, especially (read the first names of those on our prayer list)
The congregation may add the names of others who have died or are grieving.
may they find, in you, rest from their labors.
Great and holy God, Incline your ear to us.