Prayers of the People December 15, 2024
These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week
The congregational response is indicated in Bold.
Rejoice in the Lord always. Sing aloud to God.
Let us rejoice and give you thanks, O Lord, for you challenge and inspire your people.
Make your Church expectant with your promise this Advent season. As we rejoice in you, let your gentleness be known.
Let us rejoice and give you thanks, O Lord, help us make Little Fork a welcoming place for all your children.
Move the hearts of all in positions of power to rely on truth above status. We lift to you all elected officials at the national, commonwealth and local level. As we rejoice in you, fill all people with your virtue and desire for the truth.
Let us rejoice and give you thanks, O Lord, for you excite us with your presence.
Transform our greed with the generosity of your grace. As we rejoice in you, turn us from hatred to love. We pray that hearts across our nation will be open to Your teaching of loving our neighbor.
Let us rejoice and give you thanks, O Lord, for you pour out your compassion and mercy.
Be with all who cry out in distress and infirmity. We pray for those on our prayer list in need of healing including , (Please read the first names from the prayer list).
At this time please add the names of any in need of healing or comfort.
As we rejoice in you, so may we be filled with your healing Spirit.
We commend to you all whom we remember in love . As we rejoice in you, bring us to share in the joy of your eternity. We lift to you, (Please read the first names of those from the prayer list who have died).
At this time please add the names of any who have died or are grieving
Let us rejoice and give you thanks, O Lord, for you give us eternal life through your son, Jesus