Prayers of the People December 24, 2024

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

God of HOPE, as the Magi recognized the star as a sign of the coming Savior, give us the eyes to see, the wisdom to prepare, and the faith to trust in you. REFRAIN

God of PEACE, usher in your reign of justice and righteousness, using your people in the process.  May all the peoples of the world know your peace and love. REFRAIN

God of JOY, as we celebrate the season of Christmas, help us abound in love for you and one another. Keep your Church on the paths of love and faithfulness. REFRAIN

God of LOVE, Instead of only seeing division, may we notice opportunities for connection. Bring the people of this region—Culpeper, Fauquier, and Rappahannock Counties—together in a spirit of love and respect. REFRAIN

God of HOPE, we ask you to guide us in our congregation in outreach to our surrounding communities. Help us be aware of others’ needs and direct us in how you want us to invest our resources. REFRAIN

God of PEACE, show your compassion to those who suffer. Heal and restore the sick, anxious, and lonely. We pray especially for those who have requested our prayers (the first names of those on our church prayer list) and those we name …

People are invited to name those in need of healing. REFRAIN

God of JOY, we thank you for all the blessings of this life and those we love, especially those thanksgivings that we name now …

People are invited to share joys and thanksgivings. REFRAIN

God of LOVE, we pray for those we love but see longer. May those who have died this year rejoice with you in heaven, and those who grieve be comforted. Especially those we name tonight…

People are invited to share the names of those who have died and those who grieve. Refrain