Prayers of the People December 31, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Lord, we greatly rejoice in your presence among us. We come to bow with the shepherds, to kneel with the wise men, to adore with Joseph, to hold you in our hearts with Mary. Let your church proclaim your glory and your love. We pray for ministers of the Word and shepherds of your flock: for all who go out in mission, for all involved in outreach. May we reveal you as the Light to lighten all peoples.
Light who lightens all, shine in our lives.
Lord, we remember with sadness the divisions of our world: a world not at peace, where people are misused and often scorned. We remember the places of war and violence, Lord, may the nations come to know that peace which only you can give; we pray that we learn to live together in harmony and fellowship.
Light who lightens all, shine in our lives.
Lord, we give thanks for family life, for our homes and for those who have cared for us and those we care for. We pray for children who are not wanted or who are denied love: for all children taken into care, for the abandoned, the abused, the ill-treated.
Light who lightens all, shine in our lives.
Lord, we remember all who are lonely this Christmas time: all who are troubled or sad, all who are unable to enter into the fullness of joy through sickness or bereavement. We pray for parents anxious about their children. We remember all who are in need of healing or comfort especially, (Please read the first names of those on the prayer list)
You are invited to add the names of those who are ill or in need of comfort.
Light who lightens all shine in our lives.
Lord, we remember all who have entered into joy and peace in the glory of your kingdom. We pray especially today for (please read the first names of those on the prayer list)
You are invited to add the names of those who have died or are grieving.
May they rejoice in your presence and your love.
Light who lightens all, shine in our lives.
Lord, we ask that you continue to bless the Little Fork congregation as one year ends and a new one begins. Help each of us to be your light in our community and offer support to those inside and outside our church walls. Bless our mission work done through Feed My Sheep and grow our connections to the Rixeyville community.
Lord who lightens all, shine in our lives.