Prayers of the People December 4, 2022

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People and this week’s congregational response is Let all people praise You
Praise the Lord, all the earth
Let all people praise you.
Blessed Lord, you prepare a pathway to your presence and call us to repentance. Give courage to your Church to announce your Kingdom. We lift to You all those in ministry including our Bishops Susan and Mark, Visiting Bishop Ted, and our Rector Stacy. May they feel nurtured and supported in their ministries.
Praise the Lord, all the earth. Let all people praise you
May we be rooted and grafted into your Son, Jesus Christ. Blessed Lord, you challenge the powerful and restore the weak. Bring all nations to the ways of justice and peace and we remember those suffering in military conflicts and wars around the world.
Praise the Lord, all the earth. Let all people praise you
By the power of your Holy Spirit, may we abound in hope. Blessed Lord, you heal the divisions and hurts that drive a wedge between communities. Bring us to live in harmony with one another Together, with one voice, we will glorify you.
Praise the Lord, all the earth. Let all people praise you
Blessed Lord, you come to everyone in their need, and your compassion overflows to cover the earth. Pour out your healing and life-giving presence on all for whom we pray. We lift before You those who are ill or in need of comfort and healing especially (please read the first names from the prayer list)
At this time offer the names of any who are ill or in need of healing
Praise the Lord, all the earth. Let all people praise you
May the whole earth be filled with your glory. Blessed Lord, when our hearts are aching, you hear our cry. Open the door of your Kingdom to all who have died. Bring us to dwell in your courts forever. We remember those in our community who have died or are grieving (please read the first names from prayer list)
At this time, please offer the names of any who have died or are grieving
Praise the Lord, all the earth. Let all people praise you