Prayers of the People February 2, 2025

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Please join me in the Prayers of the People and this week’s response is And let us show forth your glory

My fellow pilgrims, the Lord is our strong rock, a castle to keep us safe. Increase our love, O God. Deliver your Church from boastfulness and arrogance. Fill us instead with patience and kindness.

Lord, look upon us and let us show forth your glory.

Increase our love, O God. Deliver this nation from pride and fear. We pray for our President, Donald, and our Governor, Glenn, as well as all local officials.  Give us eyes to see your hand at work in all nations and peoples. God, bless the world.

Lord, look upon us and let us show forth your glory.

Increase our love, O God. Let it not be limited only to other human beings but spread to all that you have made. Keep us mindful of the needs of others, particularly those affected by natural disasters.  We thank you for the blessings in our own lives. (Please read Thanksgivings from the prayer list)

                    You are invited to add your thanksgivings or requests.

Lord, look upon us and let us show forth your glory.

Increase our love, O God. May we seek and serve Christ in our neighbors, in family, friends, and strangers. Watch over us, O Lord, as work is done on the Master Plan and our outreach programs.

Lord, look upon us and let us show forth your glory.

Increase our love, O God. By the power of your great love, heal those who are ill; strengthen those who are struggling to endure. We pray that, as we lift our brothers and sisters to you in prayer, they will, even now, feel our love. (Please read the first names from prayer list)

                          You are invited to add the names of others in need of healing or comfort.

Lord, look upon us and let us show forth your glory.

Increase our trust in your love, O God. May those who have died find in your presence everlasting and overwhelming love. We remember those who have died or are grieving (Please read the first names from prayer list)

You are invited to add the names of others who have passed away.

Lord, look upon us and let us show forth your glory.