Prayers of the People January 12, 2025

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
The congregational response is “hear our prayer.”
Lord, we thank you for sending John the Baptist to announce the coming of the Messiah. May we respond to his coming with repentance and faith.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
As the psalmist praised you for your powerful voice embodied in thunder and lightning, help us tap into your power when we experience adversity.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for Stacy, our Rector, that she would faithfully communicate your Word and administer the sacraments. We also trust you to lead her as she serves other churches and organizations through Learning Forte.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We thank you for hymn-writers and musicians, especially Ben, our church musician, soloists, and our popup choir, for the ways they have enriched our worship.
Lord, open our eyes, that we may behold your glory.
We pray for the members of your body who are engaged in various vocations. Encourage our members, and other local believers, who serve in counseling, medicine, welfare, government, law enforcement, emergency services, education, business and the trades. May their words and actions shine the light of Christ in their spheres of influence.
Lord, open our eyes, that we may behold your glory.
Lord, we pray for our governmental leaders, especially our President, Joe, and Governor, Glenn, as well as those at our county and community levels. Give them wisdom as they face the challenges of leadership.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, pour out your healing power on the spirits, minds and bodies of all who are in pain or sorrow, especially those on our church prayer list (Please read the firstnames of those on church prayer list). Please share prayers for others in need of healing or comfort.
You are invited to name others in need of healing or comfort.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We thank you for the promise of eternal life. Receive all who have died in faith, especially (Please read the first names of those on our church prayer list). Please name others who have passed away recently.
You are invited to name others who have died recently.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
At this time, we offer you our thanksgivings and requests.
You are invited to add your thanksgivings or requests.
Thank you for promising to answer, even before we ask.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.