Prayers of the People January 26, 2025

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

The congregational response is “hear us and help us.”

God our Creator, we agree with David that the heavens declare your glory. May we continually stand in awe of your marvelous creation.

Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We acknowledge that you, Jesus, are the long-awaited Messiah, having fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy. Protect us from unbelief, as demonstrated by Jesus’ neighbors.

Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We pray for our visiting priest, Jenks. Continue to give him strength and insights from your Word, as he serves each church.

Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We thank you for our Preservation Committee and the work they do to maintain our historic church and help carry out our Master Plan. Give them wisdom and direction as they serve.

Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

Lord, we pray for our governmental leaders, especially our President, Joe, and Governor, Ralph, as well as those at our county and community levels; that they would do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you.

Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We pray for leaders of the nations involved in conflict, suffering from injustice, or experiencing famine. Move them to seek peace and justice, and raise up peacemakers, especially in Syria, Ukraine, Palestine and Yemen. 

Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.

We grieve with all who suffer from injury, illness, or hardship, especially (Please read the first names of those on our church prayer list). Please name others in need of comfort or healing.

                    You are invited to add the names of others in need of healing or comfort.

May they be delivered from their distress.

Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.

We thank you for your saints who have entered into the joy of your presence, especially (Please read the first names of those on our church prayer list). Please name others who have passed away recently.

                    You are invited to add the names of others who have died.

Lord, in your mercy, give to the departed eternal rest; and may we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.

At this time, please add your thanksgivings or requests.

                    You are invited to add your thanksgivings or requests.

Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.