Prayers of the People January 29, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is āhear us and help us.ā
We pray that Jesusā teachings would increasingly mold our character, attitudes and actions. Help us to acknowledge our spiritual poverty, hunger after righteousness, love our enemies, and give to the needy.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
We pray for the mission of the universal Church, especially Little Fork Episcopal Church, that it may be a beacon of light in a dark world. May we proclaim the Good News of Jesus by our lives and words.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
We pray, O God, for the Church and its leaders. We pray for all bishops, priests and deacons especially our Diocesan Bishop, Mark, our Assisting Bishops, Ted and Gayle, our Rector, Stacy, and our visiting priests, Amanda and Jenks. Give them grace and wisdom to carry out their ministries according to your will.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
Christ the Lord of Lords, we pray for our governmental leaders, especially our President, Joe, and Governor, Ralph, as well as those at our county and community levels; that they would do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
Lord, you value peacemakers. We pray for leaders of the nations involved in conflict, suffering from injustice, or experiencing famine. Move them to seek peace and justice, and raise up peacemakers, especially in Afghanistan, Ukraine and Yemen.
Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.
As Jesus commended those who mourn, we grieve with all who suffer from injury, illness, or hardship, especially (read the first names of those on our church prayer list). Please name others in need of comfort or healing.
Members may add the names of others in need of healing or comfort
May they be delivered from their distress.
Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.
We thank you for your saints who have entered into the joy of your presence, especially (read the first names of those on our church prayer list). Please name others who have passed away recently.
Members may add the names of others who have died
Lord, in your mercy, give to the departed eternal rest; and may we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.
Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.
At this time, please add your thanksgivings or requests.
Members may add their thanksgivings or requests
Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.
We thank you for all the promises contained in the Beatitudes. Help us to hunger and thirst for the things that you bless.
Lord, in heaven, hear us and help us.