Prayers of the People July 16, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
The congregational response is “hear our prayer.”
Lord Jesus, we praise you for your word, that can give us direction as we walk though this life. Help us be sensitive to your guidance and follow your direction.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.
We trust you to sow your word in our hearts, and give us the strength to withstand the challenges and temptations that would keep us from being fruitful in your kingdom.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.
We pray for our Diocesan Bishop, Mark, our Assistant Bishop, Gayle, our Visiting Bishops, Ted and Dabney, our Rector, Stacy, and our supply priests, Amanda, Jenks and Kyle, that they may be faithful ministers of your word and sacraments.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.
We uplift to you those who have been killed, injured, or traumatized because of human violence or natural disaster, especially the peoples of Ukraine, Yemen, Turkey and Syria. Wipe away every tear from their eyes. We pray for an end to the violence, famine and hardship.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.
Guide us in our outreach to the disadvantaged, especially through Feed My Sheep. Give us an awareness of the needs in our communities. Direct us in the ways you want us to invest our resources of time, talent and money.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.
Lord, you are the Great Physician. We trust you to care for the needs of our friends and relations who are suffering from illness, disappointment or loneliness. We bring to you those on our church prayer list (Please read the first names on our prayer list). Please share the names of others in need of healing or comfort.
You are invited to share the names of others in need.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.
Lord, you have given us the gift is eternal life; those who belong to you will never perish. Bring us, and those who have died, into your heavenly home where we may worship you forever. We bring before you those who have passed away recently (Please read the first names of any on our prayer list). Please add the first names of others who have died recently.
You are invited to share the names of others who have died recently.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.
Lord, you invite us to come before your throne of grace. At this time, we offer our personal petitions and thanksgivings.
You are invited to share your own petitions and thanksgivings.
Thank you for pouring out your mercy and grace. We trust you to answer our prayers according to your will.
For this we pray to the Lord; hear our prayer.