Prayers of the People July 23, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
The congregational response is “and we thank you.”
Our gracious God, we thank you for adopting us as children of your kingdom. May we shine like the sun in this world and the next.
You are our God, and we thank you.
We thank you for favoring us as spiritual descendants of Abraham and Isaac. May we be faithful in passing on that favor to our family and acquaintances, by being faithful witnesses by our lives and our words.
You are our God, and we thank you.
Lord, we thank you that you know us intimately and your presence is with us continually. As David prayed, we ask you to search our hearts and show us where we need to grow. Guide us on the road to eternal life.
You are our God, and we thank you.
We pray for all who serve in the Church, especially our Archbishop, Justin, our Presiding Bishop, Michael, our Diocesan Bishop, Mark, our Assistant Bishop, Gayle, our Visiting Bishops, Ted and Dabney, our Rector, Stacy, and our supply priests, Amanda, Jenks and Kyle. May the Holy Spirit guide them as they lead, preach, teach and counsel.
You are our God, and we thank you.
You are our Prince of Peace. We pray for countries broken by war, especially Ukraine and Sudan, that you will comfort grieving families, protect refugees, and bring hostilities to an end.
You are our God, and we thank you.
We thank you for the potential of our Master Plan to be a source of inspiration and refreshment to our church members and our surrounding communities. Guide us in the implementation of this plan and provide the funding for its development.
You are our God, and we thank you.
We thank you that you are the Great Physician. We pray for all who are sick or in need of comfort. We pray for protection, comfort and healing especially for (Please read the names of those on the prayer list). Please share prayers for others in need of healing or comfort.
You are invited to add the names of others in need
You are our God, and we thank you.
We give you thanks for all who have passed from this life and are now free from sorrow and pain. We pray especially for (Please read the first names of our prayer list, if any). Please add the first names of others who have passed away recently.
You are invited to add the names of others who have died recently.
You are our God, and we thank you.
At this time, please add your petitions or thanksgivings. You have promised us grace and mercy when we approach your throne.
You are invited to share your own petitions and thanksgivings.
You are our God, and we thank you.