Prayers of the People June 04, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Please join in the Prayers of the People and this week’s congregational response is We will praise you and exalt you forever.

Brothers and sisters, live in peace. With gracious hearts appeal to the Lord, saying, “Glory to you, Holy Trinity; we will praise you and exalt you forever.”

Holy Trinity, you separated the light from the darkness: may your Church ever dwell in your radiance and walk in the light of your love. Support all those in ministry including our Bishop Mark, Assistant Bishop Gayle, visiting Bishops Ted and Dabney, Rector, Stacy, and supply priests, Jenks, Amanda, and Kyle.
Glory to you, Holy Trinity, We will praise you and exalt you forever.

Holy Trinity, you placed the same sky above all people: may people all over the world live in peace with one another. We pray for all those in positions of authority that they may make wise decisions for the welfare and peace of the world.
Glory to you, Holy Trinity; We will praise you and exalt you forever.

Holy Trinity, you created all things good: give us the will to respect and preserve your creation, that future generations may experience the goodness of all you have made. Guide us as we work to make Little Fork a place of respite and comfort for all in this community. We offer thanks for our music director, Ben, and the musicians who will share their talents at Little Fork this summer.

You are invited to offer your thanksgivings aloud

Glory to you, Holy Trinity; We will praise you and exalt you forever.

Holy Trinity, you created the sun to give us light: shine your light on our community, that the shadow places may be exposed. May your justice and peace reign in our neighborhoods.
Glory to you, Holy Trinity; We will praise you and exalt you forever.

Holy Trinity, from your hand comes forth creatures great and small: as you care for even the smallest creature, show your loving-kindness to all who call out to you for help. Grace the lives of your children with healing and strength. Be wish all those facing illness or caring for loved ones who are ill especially, (Please read the first names of those on the prayer list).

You are invited to add the names of those in need of healing

Glory to you, Holy Trinity; We will praise you and exalt you forever.

Holy Trinity, you created humankind in your image and you promised to be with us always: may those who have died take comfort in your eternal presence, especially, (Please read the first names of any on the prayer list who have died or are grieving)

You are invited to offer the names of anyone who has died

Glory to you, Holy Trinity; We will praise you and exalt you forever.