Prayers of the People June 5, 2022

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is Breath of God fill us with life anew.

Holy God, we give thanks for the coming of the Spirit to your church. We ask that the gifts of the Spirit may be revealed in all your people: may the church share the gifts that you have given to it; may we go out in the power of the Spirit to proclaim your love and your glory. We praise you and pray for all who have the gifts of ministry including Stacy our rector, preaching and pastoral care, for gifted musicians and singers, for hymn-writers and leaders of worship. We pray that through the Spirit our worship may be lively and relevant.

Breathe on us, Breath of God fill us with life anew.

We pray for all who through their talents enrich and beautify our world, for artists, writers, craftspeople and broadcasters, for all who communicate and all who work in education, for all those who through their talents provide us with food and clothing. We remember all whose talent is unused through fear or opposition, all who feel thwarted in their ambitions and talents.

Breathe on us, Breath of God fill us with life anew.

We give you thanks for the working of the Spirit in our lives, for the gifts we have and the guidance we have received. We pray for those who have been our teachers and educators, for all who have brought us into a fuller and richer life. We remember our homes and our loved ones.

Breathe on us, Breath of God fill us with life anew.

We pray for all who feel fearful and close themselves in, for those who are locked in by anxiety or guilt, for all who are afraid to venture and risk. We remember all whose lives are restricted by illness or disability, all who are frustrated by being limited by circumstances. We pray for those who are ill, especially (please read the first names from the Prayer List)

At this time offer other names of those needing healing and comfort.

Breathe on us, Breath of God fill us with life anew.

We give thanks that you are the God who breathes new life into us; you are the God who restores and refreshes us. We give thanks that you give us new life in your kingdom. We remember before you our friends and loved ones departed and pray that they may share with your saints in glory.From our Prayer List we remember: (please read the first names from the Prayer List)

At this time offer the names of those who have died or are grieving.

Breathe on us, Breath of God fill us with life anew.