Prayers of the People October 1, 2023
These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Brothers and sisters, in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Humbly then, let us approach our God, saying, “To will and work for your good pleasure, O Lord, enable us.”
Christ Jesus, strengthen our tongues to declare you as Lord of our lives. May we, your Church, glorify your Heavenly Parent in word and deed. We remember all bishops, priests, and deacons.
To will and work for your good pleasure, O Lord, enable us.
Christ Jesus, you chose not to exploit your equality with God, but humbled yourself to be with us. Give us your heart for the marginalized and poor. We ask for guidance in our food ministry with Feed My Sheep and our sister churches in the area. And may all people, especially those in power including all elected officials, follow your example of humility.
To will and work for your good pleasure, O Lord, enable us.
Christ Jesus, by your birth in human likeness you blessed all of creation. Remind us that your feet have trod our soil and tasted our waters. Give us the will to care for this precious planet. Guide and lead those in positions of power to be good stewards of this Planet Earth. Remind us that our personal decisions for ecological care, added to those of our neighbors, will help sustain our communities.
To will and work for your good pleasure, O Lord, enable us.
Christ Jesus, you rule the world with love and compassion. Give our local leaders compassion and vision that the people of our region might live as neighbors, looking out for each other’s interests and needs. Continue to show us ways to move forward with our Master Plan to be a place of peace and respite in this community.
To will and work for your good pleasure, O Lord, enable us.
Christ Jesus, you became obedient to the point of death that we might have abundant life. Work marvels in the lives of the sick (Please read the first names of those on the prayer list)
You are invited to offer the names of those in need of healing.
And those who are sorrowful. (Please read the first names of any who have died from the prayer list.)
You are invited to offer the names of any who have died or are grieving.
May they recount to generations the wonderful deeds you have done in their lives.
You are invited to add your petitions and thanksgivings.
To will and work for your good pleasure, O Lord, enable us.