Prayers of the People October 20, 2024

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
The congregational response is âhear us and help usâ.
Lord, as you have called us, make us worthy of our calling. Let us see you in others: let others see you in us. Make us more sensitive to others and their needs, make us more ready to help and to show our care. Lord, make us a serving church, a giving church, a loving church.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
We pray for the worldâs poor, for desert-dwellers and places where crops have failed, for all who have suffered from floods or other disasters, for all who have no place to call home, for street children and displaced persons.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
Lord, make us useful in the community in which we live. Make us gracious, make us generous, make us aware of where we can help. Continue to grow our community impact through Feed My Sheep. We pray for loved ones and friends, especially any in need.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
Lord, be a strength to all who find life difficult, for any with difficult decisions to make, any having difficulty at work or in their relationships. We pray for those who await operations or the doctorâs diagnosis, for all sitting by the bed of a loved one who is ill, for all suffering peoples. We lift before you, (please read the first names on the prayer list).
Please add the names of those who need healing or comfort.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.
Hold close to your heart all those who are making their final journey home to you. We lift to you all who have died and been received to the rest You offer especially, (Please read the first names from prayer list).
Please add the names of any who have died or are grieving. Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.