Prayers of the People October 6, 2024

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

The congregational response is “Lord hear our prayer”.

Merciful and loving God, we come before you seeking your grace. Create in us lives that are gracious and loving. We raise our hearts and voices to you, responding,
In your mercy, Lord hear our prayer.

Reveal yourself to us in the world you have fashioned: in the wonder of your creation and in the faces of our brothers and sisters. Strengthen our commitment to being good stewards of all that we are and all that we have. Continue to guide is as we work to implement our Master Plan for the beautiful building and grounds you have entrusted to this congregation.
In your mercy, Lord hear our prayer.

Train our hearts on you and teach us to listen to your voice and follow your lead. Equip us, we pray, with all we need to do the work you have given us to do: to reflect your goodness in the world, to open our hearts to all people, to partner with you in your mission of reconciliation.
In your mercy, Lord hear our prayer.

Flood this nation with a yearning for justice for all people in all things. Shine a light into those instances where we have been wrong or where we have claimed more than our share while the needs of others have been ignored. Guide us in our continued ministry to our neighbors in need through Feed My Sheep. Ignite in us a passion for your purpose in this world you love so dearly.
In your mercy, Lord hear our prayer.

As you never tire of loving us, may we never tire of caring for your people who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit. We pray especially today for (please read the first names from the prayer list).

At this time please offer the names of any you know who are in need of healing.

We thank you for experiences of new life and insight. We rejoice with those households expanding with new children and life-giving relationships. We give thanks for the many blessings in our lives.

At this time please offer any thanksgivings.

Hold close to your heart those who are making their final journey home to you. Grant them a peaceful end and a joyous entry into the communion of all the saints in light. We lift to you all who have died and been received to the rest You offer especially, (Please read the first names from the prayer list).

At this time please offer the names of any you know who have died or are grieving.

In your mercy, Lord hear our prayer.