Prayers of the People September 24, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

The congregational response is, “hear us and help us.”

Our Generous God, give us thankful hearts for all your benefits, and deliver us from a complaining spirit. We are grateful for our lives, our families, our health, our education, and our work. Help us remember that everything comes from you as a trust.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We praise you for the extraordinary and undeserved grace you show to all people. Help us rejoice when good things happen to others, rather than giving into envy or bitterness.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We pray for our Presiding Bishop, Michael, our Diocesan Bishop, Mark, our Assistant Bishop, Gayle, our Visiting Bishops, Dabny and Ted, our Rector, Stacy, our supply priests, Amanda and Jenks, as well as all bishops, priests, and deacons, that they may lead us faithfully in pursuit of the Church’s mission.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We pray for the universal Church, in particular Little Fork Episcopal Church, that it may be a beacon of light in a dark world. May we seek first your kingdom and accomplish your will.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We pray for our President, Joe, and Governor, Glenn, all who govern and hold authority in this and the other nations of the world; that there may be justice and peace on the earth.
Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We pray for all who are suffering, in danger, trouble or sickness, as well as those who care for them. We pray for comfort and healing for those named on our prayer list (Please read the first names of those on the church prayer list). Please share the names of others in need of healing or comfort.

You are invited to add the names of others in need of healing or comfort.

Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.

We give thanks for all who have entered into glory, for all who have triumphed over darkness and evil. We pray for loved ones departed, especially (Please read the first names of those on our church prayer list).

You are invited to add the names of others who have died.

Lord, give us grace and help in all our needs.

At this time, please add your thanksgivings or requests, trusting in God’s promise to pour out his grace and mercy on those who come before his throne of grace.

You are invited to add your thanksgivings or requests.

Lord in heaven, hear us and help us.