Prayers of the People September 25, 2022

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People. The congregational response is “let us pray to the Lord.”
Father, we give you thanks for all that you have done for us, for life and love that you have given us so generously. Lord, make us mindful of your gifts, that we may be content and grateful, giving our love and lives to you all our days.
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.
We pray for the poor and the needy. Help us not fall into the trap of the rich man who ignored Lazarus in his need. Help us individually to be generous to the disadvantaged. As a congregation, enable us to continue giving generously to the need in our area through Feed My Sheep.
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.
O God you created the heavens and the earth. Give us the courage and diligence to care for your creation. We thank you for the beauty of our area—the mountains, forests, fields, rivers and lakes—and the abundant rainfall. We pray that you would restore areas of our country that have experienced drought and extreme heat.
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.
God, our country has had more than enough of violence and bloodshed. We pray that you would convict the hearts of those who are contemplating violence in our schools or toward public figures. We pray for peace and safety in our country.
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.
We pray all who are seeking and enquiring about their faith, as well as our local Muslim community. May they all come to understand the love of God and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus for all humanity.
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.
We remember in our prayers all those who are in suffering in body or spirit, as well as those who care for them. We pray for protection, healing and comfort for those on our church prayer list, in particular (Read the first names of those on our prayer list). Please share the first names of others who need healing and hope.
The congregation may share the names of those in need
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.
We pray for all who have entered into your presence and are enjoying your everlasting care, especially (Read the first names of those on our church prayer list). Please share the first names of others who have died recently.
The congregation may add the names of others recently departed
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.
Please add your personal requests or thanksgivings.
The congregation may offer personal prayers
We thank you for all the ways you have shown your love, your goodness, and your compassion, through healing our illnesses, providing for our needs, and answering our prayers.
For his will to be done, let us pray to the Lord.