Reflections on Bishop Curry’s Book – Becca Isaac

Meditation on Love is the Way by Michael Curry
“All I know is that I’ve seen the wonderful personal transformations that happen when people start navigating with God’s GPS.” In his book, Michael Curry tells of his experiences and influences growing up and being called to God’s service. The teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. were formative — non-violence and the beloved community – where love is central to humanity at all levels. Love is not a feeling, but an action. The teachings of Jesus lead this call to action. He tells of his journey of transformation with the Native Americans of Standing Rock in their protection of the environment that sustains them and the inclusiveness of gay marriage in the Episcopal leadership. I was reminded in a new way, through this book and the discussions around it, that I can make a difference in a way unique to me, as can each one of us. In my job as a librarian working with high school students, I can be there to welcome each person, listen to them, provide kindness, get to know them, and accept them in all their differences. Every single person is a child of God, no matter how difficult to love they might seem. I may never know if my actions have a positive result, but that is okay, as long as I can do a daily check, and ask, “do my actions (and words and feelings) look like love?” Michael Curry points out that you must love yourself too, and make sure you are not overwhelmed and overworked, otherwise, you can’t be much help to others. In a world that feels like it is drifting backwards toward chaos, in politics and war, this is how to help move the world forward in hope, following God’s GPS.