Cash Flow Update August 7, 2023
The Vestry will meet this Sunday August 13 at 1pm. The congregational working groups will meet from noon to 1pm. Please join us as we start planning for upcoming fall events.
Even though fall is right around the corner, Little Fork Church could still use your help with the tight cash flow of summer. Here are some ways you can do so. We understand that for some these options are not a possibility and we would like to extend our thanks for all of the support you have already given to Little Fork.
- If you would like you can make a pledge to Little Fork for 2023, just ask for a pledge card from the Parish Administrator or you may do so online.
- You can make a designated donation to the music program to offset the cost of the concerts and the advertising or to the facilities fund to offset the replacement of the hot water heater.
- If possible you could increase your weekly contribution because traditionally summer is the lowest cash flow time for the church.
- You can help to offset expenses with an in-kind donation of services or needed supplies.
- If you are a pledging member you could catch up on your 2023 pledge if you are behind, or prepay all or part of your 2023 pledge, or if you would like you can increase your pledge by requesting a new pledge card from the Parish Administrator and indicating the new total amount you would like to pledge.
Thank you for your continuing support of Little Fork, you can view the cash flow update for this week below. If you have specific questions about how the church is spending their money please reach out to either myself, Renae or Rev. Stacy.
Thank you,
Dave Jones
LFEC Treasurer