Periodic Notes From The 1776 Little Fork Preservation Foundation

Most Little Fork Episcopal Church parishioners know that the 1776 Little Fork Preservation Foundation is a successor non-profit charitable entity that continues the significant maintenance and preservation of the Historic Little Fork Church that builds on the previous efforts of the Committee for the Restoration of Little Fork Church, the Committee for Preservation and Maintenance of Historic Little Fork Church, and the Little Fork Church Preservation Committee, a Little Fork Church Vestry authorized Committee. Our Foundation was chartered by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, and is recognized as a tax exempt charitable and benevolent corporation by the US Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Our Foundation is eligible for some grant funding which separate religious institutions cannot access.

Since the inception of the Foundation in 2012-13, several hundred thousand dollars have been raised for necessary maintenance and restoration projects for the Little Fork Church and surrounding Church Grounds. Our Foundation partnered with the Church and related entities to finance the Little Fork Episcopal Church Landscape Master Plan (2022). Currently, our Foundation has contracted for repair and replacement of damaged and broken raised panels in Church pews. We are also funding and partnering for the further preservation and relocation of several commemorative plagues in the interior of the Church. We are also providing funding for legal expertise for a conservation easement that achieves protection goals articulated by the prior Restoration and Preservation Committees and enshrined in the Landscape Master Plan. We are coordinating these efforts with the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, the Little Fork Church Vestry, and other interested parties. The transferable Land Preservation State Income Tax Credits associated with the conservation easement will provide a significant source of revenue to be used for other Landscape Master Plan projects.

Enhancing our beloved Little Fork Church as a venerable community cultural and recreational asset as well as a welcoming Christian spiritual resource is in keeping with the original and continuing traditions of our founding charge as we approach our 250th Anniversary year. If you have questions or concerns relating to the 1776 Little Fork Preservation Foundation please do not hesitate to contact Bob Lee at 540-341-3641.