Prayers of the People April 14, 2024

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

With all our heart and with all our mind, let us pray to the Lord, responding, “Lord, have mercy.”

Lord, we praise you for the fulfillment of prophecies, that Jesus would die and rise from the death. We thank you for the peace you brought to the fearful disciples after Jesus’ resurrection. We claim your peace when we are afraid, pressured or anxious.
Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.

Lord, we thank you for those whom you have called to serve the Diocese of Virginia. We pray especially for our Diocesan Bishop, Mark, and our Assistant Bishop, Gayle. Give them wisdom as they study, preach and counsel.
Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.

We pray for our Vestry members, that you will guide them as they plan for the future of our parish, and carry out the Master Plan and renovation of our Parish House.
Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.

We pray for our governmental leaders, especially Joe our President, Glenn our Governor, as well as our community leaders, that they would lead with justice, mercy and humility.
Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.

For this area, Culpeper, Warrenton and Rappahannock Counties, we pray that you would provide security for all residents, and welfare for those who are in need.
Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.

We pray for the aged and infirm, for the widowed and orphans, and for the sick and the suffering, especially those on our church prayer list (Please read the names of those on our prayer list), and for others we name now.

You are invited to name others in need of healing or comfort.

Our Heavenly Father, give eternal joy to all who have died in the hope of the resurrection, especially those on our church prayer list (Please read the names on our prayer list), and for others we name now.

You are invited to add the names of others who have passed away.

Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.

Let us offer our personal requests and thanksgivings to the Lord, confident that he hears and answers from his throne of grace.

You are invited to add your thanksgivings or requests.

Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.

In the communion of all believers throughout the ages, let us commend ourselves, and one another, and all our life, to Christ our God.
Let us pray to the Lord, Lord, have mercy.