Prayers of the People December 3, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Come, Lord, be known in your church, for without you we have no message, we have no power. Come fill us with your presence, that we may proclaim your peace. Lord, make us aware, alert to your coming, that we may reveal your glory in all the world. We pray for those that walk in darkness, that they may see your light. We remember those whose lives are clouded with troubles and pray that they may behold your glory.
Lord, stir up your strength and come among us.
Come, Lord, and give peace to your world. Disperse the clouds of war and violence, of calamity and disaster. Let your power and your glory be revealed to the nations. We pray for all who watch and wait while we sleep: for the police, hospital workers and ambulance workers, for fire fighters, and for all who work in the dark hours of the night.
Lord, stir up your strength and come among us.
Come, Lord, be known in our homes, that our homes may reflect your love. Come in our workplaces that they may reflect your glory; that we may rejoice in each other’s presence, that we may be fully aware of others and sensitive to their needs.
Lord, stir up your strength and come among us.
Come, Lord, to all who are unable to cope at this time; to all who are weighed down with troubles. We pray for the ill and for those who care for them. We remember those whose lives are clouded with despair. We pray for the depressed and the suicidal. We lift to you particularly this day those on our prayer list (Please read the first names on the prayer list.)
At this time you are invited to offer names of those in need of comfort or healing.
Lord, stir up your strength and come among us.
Come, Lord of our salvation, save us and we shall be saved. We pray for friends and loved ones departed, especially for (Please read the first names from the prayer list)
At this time you are invited to offer names of any who have died or are grieving.
May they now rejoice in the fullness of your presence and your glory.
Lord, stir up your strength and come among us.