Prayers of the People February 18, 2024

Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is “Deliver us from all evil”.
Lord our God, as we are baptized in your Name, protect us from all evil and deliver us from all temptation. May we use this Lent as a time of dedication and renewal. We pray that your church may stand against evil and seek good.
Lord, we trust in you. Deliver us from all evil.
We remember before you all who have lost faith, those who no longer pray themselves, those who find it difficult to trust in you or in anyone.
Lord, we trust in you. Deliver us from all evil.
We pray for people who have become possessed by greed or selfishness, for all who have become insensitive to the needs of others. Lord, we remember the exploited peoples: we pray for those driven off their land and out of their homes; for all caught up in sectarian violence or in war, for all who feel inadequate, or unable to cope.
Lord, we trust in you. Deliver us from all evil.
We give thanks for all who have set for us an example of godly living, for people of discipline and dedication, for those who have helped and guided us on our faithwalk. We pray for all who learn discipline through their hobbies or work. We pray for those with whom we work, for our families and friends. At this time, please add your thanksgivings or requests, either silently or aloud.
You are invited to add your thanksgivings or requests.
Lord, we trust in you. Deliver us from all evil.
We give you thanks for healers and reconcilers of people. We pray for all whose relationships have broken down, for those full of animosity and hatred; that we all may learn to forgive as we are forgiven. We pray for all who work in the mental health profession as they work to bring together couples and families into strong and supportive relationships.
Lord, we trust in you. Deliver us from all evil.
We pray for all who are ill or suffering in body, mind, or spirit. We lift to you those on our prayer list (Please read the first names of those on the prayer list).
You are invited to add the names of those who are in need of healing or comfort.
Lord, we trust in you. Deliver us from all evil.
We give you thanks and praise for all who have triumphed over evil and temptation and who are now in the peace of your kingdom. We pray for those who are departed, especially, (Please read the first names of those on the prayer list) and that at the last we may share with them in glory.
You are invited to add the names of those who have died or are grieving.
Lord, we trust in you. Deliver us from all evil.