Prayers of the People February 19, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is Show us your glory.

When we call upon the Lord, God will answer us. So let us come before the Lord in prayer, saying, “Majestic God, show us your glory.”

Lord our God, move your Church by your Holy Spirit. May we proclaim your greatness in the world. Inspire in us a prophetic message and let us not be overcome by fear. We pray especially today for our Bishop Mark, visiting Bishops Ted and Gayle, our Rector, Stacy, and our supply priests, Amanda and Jenks. May they like your servant Moses, lead your people into a deeper experience of you.
Majestic God, Show us your glory.

O mighty King, lover of justice, may this and every nation, strive for justice and peace. We pray that the leaders of the nations trust and care for those in their charge. We pray for our President, Joe, our Governor, Glenn, and all serving the public in elected offices in our communities.
Majestic God, Show us your glory.

Holy One, you have chosen to wear the clouds and meet our forebears on the mountains. In doing so, you remind us that you created all things good and continue to manifest your glory through those things you have created. Remind us to also honor your creation. May we be ever mindful of the ways we can be stewards of your creation.
Majestic God, Show us your glory.

O Lord, after they witnessed your majesty, Jesus led his disciples back down the mountain to minister to the people. Lead us to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ to our neighbors—to be your lamps shining in dark places. Empower us to seek to model Jesus’ life in all our interactions and relationships.
Majestic God, Show us your glory.

God our Father, touch those who are overcome by fear, sickness, addiction, or any other adversity. Overshadow them with the healing power of your love. We lift before you (please read the first names of those on the prayer list)

We invite the congregation to add their petitions

Majestic God, Show us your glory.

God of Light, we pray for the dying and the dead. May all those who experience death also come to know the new day of resurrection that comes through your Risen Son. We remember (please read the first names of any on prayer list who have died or are grieving)

We invite the congregation to name anyone who has died or is grieving

Majestic God, Show us your glory.