Prayers of the People February 5, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Please join the Prayers of the People and the congregation response is And answer us.

Sisters and brothers, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to God. Let us pray,
“Lord, hear our call, and answer us.

Establish your Church, O God, as a light to the world. Shine your Holy Spirit through us, and all for your glory and the welfare of your people. Undergird and strengthen all those who serve in ministry including our bishops, priests, and deacons. Guide our Rector, Stacy, and our supply priests, Amanda and Jenks, as they lead the Little Fork congregation.
Lord, hear our call, And answer us.

Righteous God, you delight in justice and mercy: Loose the bonds of injustice and let the oppressed go free. Raise up leaders who care for the poor, marginalized, or those seeking a better life. Guide our elected officials to make laws and decisions that support all of God’s children.
Lord, hear our call, And answer us.

We thank you, O God, for the gift of light. By it you cause plants to grow; by it you generate warmth; by it you open our eyes to see the beauty of all you have made.

We invite the congregation to add their thanksgivings,

Lord, hear our call, And answer us.

In our own communities, Great God, be the restorer of streets. Rebuild our ruined places. May all the people of this community live in security and peace. Care for all who face food insecurity and bless those served by Feed My Sheep.
Lord, hear our call, And answer us.

Be present to all those who cry for help, O Holy One. We pray your healing will spring up quickly for those in need. We pray for all those suffering in body, mind or spirit. We particularly remember (please read the first names from the prayer list)

We invite the congregation to add their petitions for those in need of healing

Lord, hear our call, And answer us.

The human heart fails to conceive all the good you have prepared for your beloved ones, Heavenly Parent. We trust to you our dying and our dead, believing that you are good and faithful. We remember( please ready any first names on prayer list who have died or are grieving)

At this time, please share the names of any who have died or are grieving.

Lord, hear our call, And answer us.