Prayers of the People June 16, 2024
These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
This week’s congregational response is “and give us life for evermore”.
We give you thanks for the endurance of the Church. For all unafraid of death as they look to the resurrection. We pray for Christians witnessing amid afflictions, hardships and calamities; for all who are being persecuted for their faith, for those who face abuse, imprisonment or scorn, for all who witness to your love in difficult places.
Lord, bless your people and give us life for evermore.
We give thanks for all who provide our food, all who protect us, and shield us from harm.
We pray today for our own homes and loved ones, and we remember any who have recently lost their homes or their livelihood.
Lord, bless your people and give us life for evermore.
Lord of all power, be with all who are being overwhelmed, protect all who are in the storms of life, all who are facing hardship and danger, all who are having sleepless nights, all exhausted and hungry peoples. We pray for the fearful and the anxious, that the storm-tossed may know your peace.
Lord, bless your people and give us life for evermore.
We pray for all who are unwell in body, mind or spirit and those who care for them especially, (Please read the first names of those on the prayer list).
You are invited to add the names of any who are in need of healing or comfort.
We give thanks for all who have passed through life’s storms and are now at peace in your presence. We pray for loved ones departed, especially (Please read the first names of any on the prayer list)
You are invited to add the names of any who have died or are grieving.
Lord, bless your people and give us life for evermore.