Prayers of the People June 18, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Lord of hosts, We put our trust in you.
Lord of the harvest, send laborers for your Church to proclaim your Kingdom. Stir up vocations to ordained and lay ministries. Be with our Bishop, Mark, Assistant Bishop, Gayle, visiting Bishops, Ted and Dabney, Rector, Stacy, and supply priests Amanda, Jenks, and Kyle.
Lord of hosts, We put our trust in you.
Strengthen all the baptized to live and announce your glory. Lord of all the world, inspire men and women with servant hearts to political service. Undergird all in positions of influence with wisdom and strength.
Lord of hosts, We put our trust in you.
Transform unjust structures that all may have cause for rejoicing. We give thanks for lives dedicated to the good of all, especially those working in health care, police and firefighters, all first responders and all who work in education.
Lord of hosts, We put our trust in you.
Lord of hospitality, Abraham welcomed strangers and received your blessing, so we give thanks for all who share their table. Bless the work of food pantries and homeless shelters that they may serve those often overlooked in our society.
Lord of hosts, We put our trust in you.
Lord, in proclaiming the Kingdom to have come near the sick were healed and good news announced for all. Pour out your Spirit on all who are sick especially, (please read the first names from prayer list).
You are invited to add the names of those who are sick or in need of healing
Restore us to wholeness with you. Lord of hosts, We put our trust in you.
Lord of life, you prove your love for us in your death and resurrection. Open the gates of heaven to all who believe in you. Grant to all your faithful servants eternal peace. (please ready any first names from the prayer list).
You are invited to add names of those who have died or are grieving.
Lord of hosts, We put our trust in you.