Prayers of the People June 19, 2022
These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People, and the congregational response is You are our helper and deliverer.
God of love and compassion, you are always more ready to hear and help than we are to pray; help us to know that you are with us now and always and that you are a very present help in trouble. We pray for all who come to your church with hopes and fears, all who come with special needs, that in you they may find new hope. We remember all who thirst for God, we pray for pilgrims and seekers. We thank you for all in ministry including our Bishops Susan and Jennifer, our Bishop Elect Mark, and our Rector Stacy.
Lord, we wait upon you. You are our helper and deliverer.
We pray for our troubled world, for places of oppression, tyranny and violence, especially the people of Ukraine and Afghanistan. We remember all who suffer through war or natural disasters. We ask your blessing upon the hungry and the homeless, all who have no place to call their own. We lift to you the outreach of Feed My Sheep as they minister to those with food insecurity.
Lord, we wait upon you. You are our helper and deliverer.
We give thanks for all who have shared their love and peace with us; we pray for our homes and our loved ones. We pray for homes where there is trouble, for destitute families, for those who have been evicted or driven out of their homes. We pray for homes where there is abuse or neglect.
Lord, we wait upon you. You are our helper and deliverer.
We remember before you all who are not at peace with themselves or their neighbors, all who are troubled in body, mind or spirit. We pray for all who feel despised or rejected, all who walk in fear and in darkness. We pray for members of our community who are ill, especially (please read the first names from the Prayer List) and those we now name…
At this time please add the names of those needing healing and comfort.
Lord, we wait upon you. You are our helper and deliverer.
We give thanks that you are our strength in times of weakness; you deliver us from the power of death. We give thanks for all who have been delivered from eternal death, and pray for loved ones departed this life especially, (please read the first names on the Prayer List) and those we now name…
At this time please add the names of those who have died or are grieving.
Lord, we wait upon you. You are our helper and deliverer.