Prayers of the People March 10, 2024

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.
Please join in the Prayers of the People and the congregational response is “in our hearts and in our world”.
O gracious Lord, may your church be a home for the weary, a shelter for the fearful, a strength to the weak, a place of healing and forgiveness to the troubled and the guilty. We pray for all who are spiritually hungry, for all who have lost faith or who have lost hope.
Lord, let your light shine, in our hearts and in your world.
Lord of life, we pray for the starving peoples, for all without adequate food or shelter,
all who do not have a home to call their own. We pray for children who have no one to care for them. Lord, bless the work of all relief agencies and those who work to better the lives of others.
Lord, let your light shine, in our hearts and in your world.
We come to you, Lord of love. We give you thanks for our homes and loved ones;
may we not take their love for granted, may we not be a burden to those with whom we live. In loving each other may we learn of your love for us.
Lord, let your light shine, in our hearts and in your world.
Loving Lord, we pray for families where there is misunderstanding, neglect, violence or apathy. We pray for homes of poverty and fear. We lift to you families dealing with addiction, generational trauma, and those facing mental health challenges.
Lord, let your light shine, in our hearts and in your world.
We pray for all who are caring for loved ones who are ill and for all who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit especially, (Please read the first names from the prayer list).
You are invited to share the names of those who are ill or in need of healing.
We remember all who have died especially, (Please read the first names from the prayer list).
You are invited to share the names of those who have died or are grieving.
Lord, let your light shine, in our hearts and in your world.
Lord, in love you care for each of us. May we be ever mindful of our many blessings and offer you our daily thanks for all the ways we are cared for.
You are invited to share your blessings and thanksgivings.
Lord, let your light shine in our hearts and in your world.