Prayers of the People March 26, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

With all our heart and with all our mind, let us pray to the Lord, responding to each prayer with, “And give us new life.”

Lord Jesus, you demonstrated your power over death by raising Lazarus. Increase our faith in your life-giving power and enable us to live a resurrection life.
Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

During this season of Lent, help us be sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, repent and claim the forgiveness wrought by your Son on the cross.
Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

O God, we pray that all those in need of your eternal life would find life, and that we would embody the Light of Life in our homes, our workplaces and our neighborhoods.
Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

For our Mark, our Diocesan Bishop, for Gayle, our Assisting Bishop, Ted and Dabney, our Visiting Bishops, Stacy, our Rector, Jenks and Amanda, our supply priests, and for all the clergy, give them wisdom and direction as they study, preach, counsel and care for their flocks.
Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

For deeper unity with all the churches in our area, including Beulah Baptist Church and Bealeton Baptist Church, as we serve our communities together.
Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

For our President, our Governor, for the leaders of all nations, and for all in authority, that they may govern with justice and concern for the disadvantaged, let us pray to the Lord.
Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

We pray for those in our community who are suffering from illness, loneliness or want, and for all who care for them, especially (Please read the first names of those on our church prayer list.) Please share the names of anyone else in need of healing, comfort or support.

The congregation may share the names of others in need of healing or comfort.

Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

Merciful God, you have raised us up from spiritual death. We pray for those who have passed form physical death to eternal life. (Please read the first names of those on our church prayer list, if any). Please add the first names of others who have died recently.

The congregation may add the names of others who died.

Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.

For our own needs and those of others, as well as our many blessings, let us raise our thanksgivings and petition to the Lord.

The congregation may add their own petitions and thanksgivings.

Set our minds on your Spirit, and give us new life.