Prayers of the People May 8, 2022

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Please join in the Prayers of the People; the congregational response is “and we thank you.”

Lord Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, you have given us eternal life. We thank you that we are secure; no one can snatch us out of your hand. Keep us ever grateful for your inestimable gift.

You are our God, and we thank you.

We give you thanks for the shepherds who care for us: our Diocesan Bishops, Susan, Jennifer and Porter, our Rector, Stacy, and all bishops, priests and deacons. May they guide and feed their flocks with love, grace and wisdom.

You are our God, and we thank you.

You are our Prince of Peace. We pray for countries broken by war, especially Ukraine and Afghanistan, for peoples facing ethnic violence and hatred, for all who are being discriminated against, in our country and the world.

You are our God, and we thank you.

Thank you for our relationship with Beulah Baptist Church. May we work together to heal wounds caused by racial injustice, and to deepen the bonds between our two congregations, as we serve our communities together.

You are our God, and we thank you.

The Good Shepherd calls us to give our lives to others. We thank you for those serving in health professions, past and present, especially those we name now (please share the names of health professionals).May we give our lives to those in our care.

You are our God, and we thank you.

We thank you that you are the Great Physician. We pray for all who are sick or in trouble. For all who are finding their lives restricted through illness. We pray for protection, comfort and healing especially for (read the first names of those on the prayer list).Please share prayers for others in need of healing or comfort.

You are invited to share your prayers for those who need comfort or healing.

You are our God, and we thank you.

We give you thanks for all who have passed though pain and suffering and are now where sorrow and pain are no more, for all who have experienced the power of your resurrection. We pray especially for (read the first names of our prayer list).Please add the first names of others who have passed away recently.

You are invited to share prayers for those who have died or are grieving.

You are our God, and we thank you.

At this time, please add your petitions or thanksgivings either silently or aloud.

You are our God, and we thank you.

You are our Good Shepherd: you found us, forgave us, and reconciled us to the Father. As your sheep, help us to hear your voice .Enable us to become agents of reconciliation in our communities.

You are our God, and we thank you.

Holy God, you demonstrated your love for us through the Resurrection of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ. We commit to making decisions regarding the future of our congregation and church grounds as those who trust in your ever-present love and grace. Guide us in becoming a congregation that welcomes all, values mutuality in our outreach and partnerships, and honors the past while focusing on the future. Provide us courage and insight as we seek to make Little Fork a place where the larger Rixeyville community finds respite, a place to sooth their souls, and a connect to Your creation. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.